Our Services

Professional CCTV Solutions for Your Security Needs

Security Solutions Provider

Explore Our Comprehensive Surveillance Solutions


Residential Systems

From initial consultation to custom system design and installation, our expert technicians tailor residential and commercial CCTV solutions to ensure top-tier security for your property. Trust TSS for cutting-edge technology and reliable surveillance services.


Commercial Systems

Enhance your security with advanced video analytics, remote monitoring, and tailored system integration. Our solutions provide a seamless blend of technology and expertise for comprehensive surveillance coverage, giving you peace of mind.


Installation Services

Take advantage of our maintenance and support services to keep your CCTV system running smoothly. Our dedicated team ensures prompt assistance, regular updates, and proactive monitoring for uninterrupted security performance.

Get in Touch

Contact us today for a personalized CCTV consultation and secure your property with TSS.

or call us at:

01922 661471

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